5 Days a Stranger
Free downloadable games
Simulation (Free downloadable games)
5 Days a Stranger
Ben Croshaw
5 Days a Stranger is an Adventure game, where the main character Trilby finds himself to be trapped in the the DeFoe mansion. The point is that Trilby is a ...housebreaker! Want to take part in this puzzling and exciting game? Then start playing 5 Days a Stranger just now! Trilby reckoned on snatching a large sum, but the fate has prepared some chilling surprise for him. The exit of the mansion is blocked by the hidden intelligence! Besides, Trilby is not alone in the house! Download 5 Days a Stranger free and you'll know what happens next!
System requirements
- 400MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, Windows 98 or greater + DirectX, Mouse and Keyboard, Light gun and Touchscreen compatible

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